Friday 30 March 2012

Review: Gro Anywhere Blackout Blind

Since the arrival of BST, we've been after some black out blinds for the bedroom to help with the Bear's bedtime.

I didn't fancy relining the curtains, and a roller blind seemed too expensive. The Gro Anywhere blind seemed like a sensible option, and it could travel with us.

There are lots of mixed reviews of the blinds, so I was a bit nervous about ordering. I'm pleased to be able to give them the thumbs up.

They were very easy to attach, and I've had none of the difficulties with them staying stuck that other people mentioned. They've been happily stuck to the window all week and... it's dark! Perhaps we'll get a lie in... 

Baby's first hair cut!

I get lots of comments about the Bear's fine golden curls. Due to a spectacular amount of cradle cap in his first few months, he's held on to the follicles he was born with. He has beautiful hair, but after ten months of growth even I had to admit he might be in need of a trim.

We took a trip to Salon Junior in Pontcanna. The salon is in the basement of a florist, and we had to wait in the back of the shop while another customer finished. Once downstairs, the Bear was placed in a very high swivel chair, which looked precarious but was actually fine (although I kept my hand on him at all times). Rachel, the hairdresser, listened to our style requests and was very laid back about us taking photos and keeping a lock of his baby hair. She had a DVD player opposite the chair, plus plenty of toys to play with, and a small aquarium, all of which help keep the little clients distracted. He even got a certificate ("My first haircut"!) and a sticker for being such a good boy.

The cut cost £10 - expensive for a 20 minute hair cut, but a lovely experience, and it was great to go to someone who specialises in cutting very young children's hair, with no tears or stress.

Sunday 25 March 2012

Rest Bay, Porthcawl

Scorching hot Sunday afternoon. Friends were off surfing. Perfect opportunity for the Bear's first trip to the beach (ok, the promise of fish and chips might have been an additional temptation).

The car park was roasting. Sadly, we had failed to take into account the wind chill on the beach. We lasted about 25 goosepimply minutes, and Bear turned his nose up at a Sainsbury's falafel. Fail. Home without any chips. Double fail.